Why People Change and Why You Should Believe It Happens

Change is a decision, and not all want to make that decision.
Written by Alexia Dominique Reyes

All people can change, but not all people do change. Change is a decision, and not all want to make that decision. Let us talk about why people change!

Want to know why people change? You are in the right place! People change, but the change that will occur isn’t 100% change.

When I was in the process of changing, some things couldn’t change: my values, my empathy, my preferences, and my introversion, among others.

What changed are my confidence, my outlook in life, my beliefs, my relationship with myself, the way I deal with other people, the way I express myself, my physical appearance, the people I want to be around, and my lifestyle.

The changes were mostly about how I look at myself and how I relate to others.

Now, let us talk about why people change. Here are reasons and facts that may convince you to believe that change happens:

  1. You are living proof that people change.
  2. We go through sets of changes from the day we were born.
  3. The world changes.
  4. Even if we stick to a routine, every day is different.
  5. Non-living things change, too.

Let’s begin.

Why People Change and Why You Should Believe It Happens

People say that people don’t change, but they are coming from a broken heart. Someone hurt them, so they are now mad at the world and everyone.

It is partly true, though. All people can change, but not all people do change. Change is a decision, and not all want to make that decision.

I think it is true that pain makes people change.

Looking back, the reason why I desired to change for the better was pain: I was angry because of the pain people inflicted on me.

The pain made me angry, and that anger pushed me to prove them wrong.

According to Psychology Today, when we are angry, it activates our willingness to do things that we would have avoided if we had felt other emotions. It is a powerful motivator when used properly.

I experienced hitting rock bottom. I was drained physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually because of a bad decision I made.

I never asked for anyone’s help because I didn’t want other people, especially my mother, to worry about me. So, I have no one to talk to about it now.

I bounced back by myself, and that was a beautiful thing I did. I look at that experience with amazement because I am doing better now.

I am glad that I was able to survive on my own. I am glad that I didn’t give up. I am glad that I kept moving despite my broken soul. I am glad.

That was a terrible experience, but I still see it as a blessing in disguise because if I hadn’t gone through that, I wouldn’t have found myself.

It broke me, but I was able to make my dreams come true with that brokenness. So, I am grateful for that experience.

Pain is just one of the forces that make people change. Let us talk about other reasons why people change!

Why People Change and Why You Should Believe It Happens
Why People Change and Why You Should Believe It Happens

1. You are living proof that people change.

You have changed. Isn’t that enough to prove that people change?

When people are frustrated or mad, their self-awareness, if they have it, suddenly disappears. The negative emotion clouds their judgment.

In this article by Reader’s Digest, being self-aware is important in personal development. If you don’t know how you behave, you will not know which behaviors to change.

If you say that people don’t change, you are saying that you don’t change. Don’t you change? If you don’t change, you are probably a monster!

But even monsters change, so…

2. We go through sets of changes from the day we were born.

Change is already observed even before we are born.

Change is inevitable, as they say. It happens whether we like it or not. We grow up and develop, both physically and internally, and we will see it if we look.

Our body changes as we grow older. We become taller, bigger, and stronger.

If you want to grow old beautifully and healthy, WebMD shares tips on how to age well based on science.

Some factors affect people’s behavior. Among them include their families, their friends, other people around them, people they see online, and the media.

If I had a sister, I might not be at home most of the time. If I hadn’t been born into this family, I could’ve been a curse god. I am prohibited from cursing!

If I had not been born at all, the world would not stop changing for sure.

3. The world changes.

Climate change, global warming, pollution, overpopulation that results in shortage and more waste, and the list goes on.

We create world problems, and I am guilty of this because even though I don’t ruin it on purpose, I do things not good for the environment.

You may want to take note of these biggest environmental problems shared by Earth if you want to save the world!

You are guilty of that, too. Do you have a car? Did you know that cars are the major cause of pollution? It also damages roads!

Do you not bring eco-friendly reusable bags when doing grocery shopping? Single-use plastic and paper bags have environmental impacts!

4. Even if we stick to a routine, every day is different.

If I have a daily routine, I will do the same things every day but in different ways, at different times, and in different places.

Think about your routine. Even your morning or evening routine doesn’t start at exactly the same hour every single day. Right?

5. Non-living things change, too.

A cell phone is a non-living thing, but if I threw mine with full force from where I am to that wall in front of me, something would change. A crack?

If I made some coffee for breakfast and I didn’t drink it until tomorrow, I would not drink it because there’d be bubbles. It spoilt. *puke*

The change that happened to the coffee is a chemical change. ThoughtCo explains the differences between physical and chemical change.

If my back hurt because of prolonged sitting, I would move my chair so I could stretch. The chair moved. Even changing the position of an object is a change.

Even non-living things change. Need I say more?

Last Words

The phrase “people don’t change” is often used after breakups, whether it be friendship breakups or relationship breakups.

Someone messed up that’s why the connection broke. Out of anger, they would say, “They will never change! Argh!”

But sometimes, whenever people say that, it is because they want to be angry forever at that person. Or they want to be better than them.

If a person who hurt you has changed for the better outside the relationship, you will question why they didn’t make that change while with you.

You will ask, “Where did I go wrong? What should I have done? Did I not do enough?” It will hurt your self-esteem.

Wondering why people change? You have changed, so ask yourself why!

If you enjoyed reading why people change and why you should believe it happens, here is a video of me talking about the changes I made in my life:

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