4 Quotes About Love That Don’t Make Sense

I never got used to the creepiness of love.
Written by Alexia Dominique Reyes

What is love? You have been hearing or seeing that question since you were young, but you still haven’t found the right answer to that. You might find the answer after reading these quotes about love that don’t make sense.

In general, quotes about love make me cringe. While I am not totally clueless about love because I read about it, that is the thing: I just read about it.

I have been single for over a decade. I never got used to the creepiness *oops* I mean the wonders of love.

Here are some quotes about love that don’t make sense to me:

  1. “There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.”
  2. “Never love anyone who treats you like you’re ordinary.”
  3. “All you need is love.”
  4. “Love is blind.”

Let’s begin.

4 Quotes About Love That Don’t Make Sense

Of course, just because I haven’t been in love doesn’t mean that I never felt something that is quite similar to that.

I am also a human with emotions, not a robot. I had crushes growing up.

I also had been in relationships when I was in high school.

Even though my exes and I didn’t do anything that people in relationships usually do, that brief exposure gave me an idea of what commitment is.

I was committed to them even though they were not.

But do I really have to be in the situation to be able to learn from it?

According to Psychology Today, learning from other people’s experiences is called social learning.

I grew up around people who dealt with both happy and messy relationships. I can learn from their experiences.

Back then, I realized while I was on the verge of saying that I knew nothing about dating that it’s not that I knew nothing about it. I haven’t done it, but I know a lot about it because I know many people who do it.

Do I need to get impregnated by an irresponsible man to know that they will run away once they know I am pregnant, and I will be left alone?

No, because there are single mothers around me and I know what they deal with.

Do I need to be with a married man to know that a mistress will not be showing their child to everyone?

No, because the only pictures I have seen of my half-sister on social media were when she was months old. The mistress blocked me.

There are things in life that you don’t need to experience firsthand to know how satisfying, terrible, or exciting they are.

You can learn a lot by observing the people around you.

Even though I haven’t been in the dating scene for so long, some of my friends, the people I encounter on forums, my neighbors, and random strangers are in it.

And I see them.

These quotes about love don’t make sense to me because I feel neutral about this area of life. Or perhaps my inexperience, not cluelessness, has made me a bit bitter about this that’s why I have criticism.

4 Quotes About Love That Don’t Make Sense
4 Quotes About Love That Don’t Make Sense

1. “There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.”

I think love makes some people sad, especially those who didn’t receive it as a child. They will feel apathetic about it.

Personally, I felt neglected when I was a child, and I have been an unrequited lover for so long, so I don’t seek to be loved in particular.

I understand that maybe those who have attachment issues can be “fixed” by love. But that love doesn’t need to be romantic love. Self-love fixed mine.

Maybe whoever wrote this quote was referring to self-love, but the term “to love and be loved” is usually a thing in romantic love. There is another person involved, and that person loves you.

And that person who loves you, they must be someone that you also love.

theAsianparent asked their readers which they would choose between the person they love and the person who loves them, and 85% chose the person who loves them because it is “practical.”

In reality, simply being loved will not make anyone happy. They want to be loved by a specific someone to be happy.

In the past, I sought to be liked back by those people I liked. I also thought it was wonderful and that it was the key to my happiness.

But once you reach the point where you realize expecting to be liked back is exhausting and quite immature, you will feel comfortable with unrequited love.

2. “Never love anyone who treats you like you’re ordinary.”

This quote about love doesn’t make sense because what happens in reality is that people stay in toxic relationships and gravitate toward those who ignore them.

In an article by Good Housekeeping, many women prefer the “bad boys” because they appear more masculine and seem to have better quality genes than real nice guys.

It is not how love — real love, not the one in fiction — works. Actually, even some fictional stories, the character is in love with someone who doesn’t care.

The word “never” is just so strong, and whenever I read this quote over and over again, I find it more and more ridiculous.

Can you “never” love someone? I think I have never met someone who can control who they can have feelings for.

Personally, all of those I had feelings for treated me like I was ordinary but I couldn’t unlike them because the feelings were already there.

“Never” is total nothing, so there must be nothing from the start. People can’t go back in time, undo the feelings, and decide “never” to love someone.

3. “All you need is love.”

To survive on this planet called Earth, you need money to survive. Maybe people need love, but it is not all that they need.

I believe in emotional satisfaction over financial abundance, but it doesn’t mean that I think money is unimportant.

Being broke ruins one’s emotional stability, too, as well as their mental health. Without money, you can’t be emotionally satisfied because you will always be worried about tomorrow, or even later.

Business Insider says that one of the most common reasons for divorce is money. Love is not enough!

Real love is powerful. You will really stay with someone through thick and thin, for richer and for poorer. You can overcome anything with it.

But you will not want to overcome anything at all if you don’t have the means to live. You will not look forward to tomorrow, or even later.

4. “Love is blind.”

I read somewhere on the internet that love is not blind because you will know that you love someone only if you stay despite their imperfections.

If you ignore the flaws and wear your rose-colored glasses every time you are with them, that is not love. That is a lie.

According to Grammarist, the phrase “wearing rose-colored glasses” is like seeing a dump site full of garbage as a magical wonderland with good fairies and rainbows everywhere.

That is worrisome because if you spent a long time seeing them for what you imagined them to be, what if you got to the point where all you see is who they really are? And you didn’t like it?

It would be disappointing for you, and you might get mad because “they changed” even though they didn’t.

It is your fault for making “love is blind” your motto in life.

Last Words

I don’t have a personal favorite quote about love because I honestly don’t care about love. Love is so alien to me, and I believe it is to many of us.

What is love? You have been hearing or seeing that question since you were young, but you still haven’t found the right answer to that.

No one will know the right answer to that because it doesn’t exist. The right answer, I mean. I believe that love exists!

These quotes about love that don’t make sense to me make sense to others.

If you enjoyed reading the quotes about love that don’t make sense, here is a video of me talking about the love that makes sense:

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