How to Live a Better Life and Make Your Life Worthwhile

If something is bothering you, you can't live in peace.
Written by Alexia Dominique Reyes

Having a clear conscience is important to live a better life. Let us talk about how to live a better life and make your life worthwhile!

I think my life has improved in all aspects, so I want to share how to live a better life and make your life worthwhile.

I am an independent creative, so I am not trapped in a world full of worries. I am full of wonders. My life is to my liking.

Having full control over my life is sometimes overwhelming, but I am in charge of my destiny. Here is how to live a better life:

  1. Do it even though others will dislike it.
  2. Take actions that don’t hurt others to have peace of mind.
  3. Know that not doing anything can be productive.
  4. Don’t chase money but emotional satisfaction to live a better life.
  5. Let go of past hurts.

Let’s begin.

How to Live a Better Life and Make Your Life Worthwhile

If you want to learn how to live a better life and make it worthwhile, don’t stress over others because they are beyond your control.

It is difficult to be a person. You need to conform and do things the way the majority do. Otherwise, they would gang up on you: You are wrong!

I am an introvert, and many introverts struggle in society, especially during adolescence where everything we hear affects us.

Your identity is a work in progress. When something hasn’t fully developed yet, there is vulnerability, and external factors can barge in.

Psychology Today says that all teenagers are adolescents, but adolescents are not only teenagers because adolescence can start at as early as 9.

During my teenage years, people made my shyness a big deal.

“Shyness” seems a simple word, but shy people are perceived as incompetent: can’t fight for themselves, can’t do anything by themselves.

Let’s imagine God creating a human.

He would pour “smart” and “good-looking” into the human maker: a perfect combination. That human would surely have a good time on Earth.

But then the “shy” bottle accidentally fell into the mixture, unfortunately. Good luck on Earth, human! *cries* God may even cry, too!

Being shy is unfortunate. Good thing, it can be overcome. I overcame mine. Below are some ways to live a better life and make it worthwhile!

How to Live a Better Life and Make Your Life Worthwhile
How to Live a Better Life and Make Your Life Worthwhile

1. Do it even though others will dislike it.

I was a people pleaser, so I couldn’t breathe properly. I felt like people were watching me, and I had to watch everything I did to make them happy.

That was my goal: to make them happy. *phew*

I was self-conscious because I had social anxiety, so there were things I couldn’t do. I didn’t want to be wrong in the eyes of others.

If you have social anxiety, Simply Psychology says that it is possible to manage it even by yourself, through self-help strategies.

Now, if I want to do something, I do it. If I don’t want something, I say so.

I am not scared of disappointing people because I can never satisfy them. They want something after something. A never-ending race.

If the reason why you feel limited and miserable is that you feel like you can’t make others happy and satisfied, the solution is to go against them.

2. Take actions that don’t hurt others to have peace of mind.

Having a clear conscience is important if you want to live a better life. If something is bothering you, you can’t live in peace.

Make decisions that will benefit only you, but don’t step on others along the way. Even you don’t want to be stepped on.

I chase peace of mind because I can go anywhere, and no one will send me to jail: a real jail with murderers or the “guilt” jail where I feel undeserving of anything because of past wrongdoings.

wikiHow shares ways to have peace of mind, and the first step is simply breathing! When was the last time you *really* breathe?

If it is too late and you have done the bad deed, seek forgiveness, if possible, or acceptance that you are human and can make bad decisions.

3. Know that not doing anything can be productive.

I am writing this, but I feel like I am doing nothing. I am sitting comfortably on the couch with my feet up. I am in a sleeping position on a chair.

Today feels like a rest day. Nothing urgent. I can take my time. It is noon, but I can finish writing this tonight. But I will finish this now.

Verywell Mind says that being productive means using your time wisely. Sometimes, pausing is the best activity to do.

Many people think that you have to be busy all the time, to do things all the time, to be active all the time. But I am barely moving, and I am making progress.

You don’t have to be exhausted to make progress in your life. Once the important tasks are done, allow yourself to chill.

4. Don’t chase money but emotional satisfaction to live a better life.

Money is important to survive, but it is not what will make you happy. You can buy ice cream with money, but what it gives is temporary happiness.

What makes me happy now is that I can be very creative with my approach. That is number one. This blog is a product of that creativity.

The number two is that I am surrounded by people with genuine intentions. I did some purging in my social life.

According to Tony Robbins, being around positive people can boost your mood. You can experience the good kind of peer pressure with them.

I have travel plans, and I need money for tickets and accommodation. I have projects, and I need money to keep them up and running.

Money is a means to get to the goal. If money is your goal, how much do you want to be happy? What will you do after you get that money?

My younger brother always says he wants to be rich. But whenever I ask him how he will know once he is rich, he can’t answer me.

5. Let go of past hurts.

This is related to having a clear conscience. If you don’t hold grudges, nothing bothers you. If nothing bothers you, you can live peacefully.

I forgive people easily, so I don’t have any problem with this. However, I have a strong memory, so I don’t forget.

It is okay not to forget, and even not to forgive. But don’t dwell on your past hurts so much to the point that you are being overly dramatic.

You are dramatic if you do and say things to get attention from other people. Psychology Today says it is a behavior that must be changed.

I admit that, sometimes, I summon my painful memories to feel bad on purpose. That is a fun not-so-fun hobby for neurotics, like me.

But you can’t live a better life if you are always consumed by sad emotions. Sad emotions = sad thoughts. You will think you are hopeless.

Last Words

Learning how to live a better life is helpful for those who have given up on life or don’t think they can do anything about their situation.

Not being on social media can make a difference in your life, so I suggest you do it. It will allow you to look at your life. You don’t hear too much noise.

When will you start to live a better life?

If you enjoyed reading how to live a better life and make your life worthwhile, here is a video of me talking about the good things about life:

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