How to Find Your Calling and Discover Your Purpose in Life

If you enjoy the process, your soul is aligned with what you are doing.
Written by Alexia Dominique Reyes

It was not my dream to be a content writer, but I became one. And I think this is my calling. If you have not found yours yet, here is how to find your calling and discover your purpose in life.

You want to know how to find your calling and discover your purpose in life because you believe that you have one. Great!

I also believe I have one. Actually, I think I have found mine, so I feel like I can help you get to know yourself better and do that thing you are supposed to do.

Here are the signs you should look out for if you want to find your calling and discover your purpose in life:

  1. If you are seeing results from your efforts, you may be on the right path.
  2. If you enjoy the process, your soul is aligned with what you are doing.
  3. If it seems nothing is going against it, the universe is agreeing with you.
  4. If you don’t think the grass is greener on the other side, you are supposed to be where you are.

Let’s begin.

How to Find Your Calling and Discover Your Purpose in Life

I quit people fast and decisively, but it happens after I tell myself many times, “It is okay. Let it pass this time.”

I realized that I haven’t talked about my full-time job from April of 2021 through August of 2022 on this blog.

When the owner of the agency reached out to me for a job opportunity, I was depressed. I was on the couch, and I wanted to give up life because I was so hurt.

I remember that I cried the day before I received his email.

I was empty, and I didn’t think my life would improve. I actually almost turned the offer down because I was on the verge of ending my life.

I was worried and frustrated because before I got an offer, my savings were enough for one or two months of utilities. I was depending on my savings mostly.

I had freelance clients, but I was earning less than I needed.

According to Make Use Of, financial stability is more difficult to attain if you are a freelancer. How much you earn depends on how much effort you exert.

On top of utilities, I had to pay for the hosting of this blog in May of that year. I pay yearly for hosting, so that was a big expense. I needed a job so I could pay for it.

A Lover in Disguise is my most important personal project, so I cried whenever I thought about the possibility of it being gone because of the lack of money.

I didn’t tell anyone about my financial problems. That is why it is hard to let go of the pain: only I knew about what I dealt with.

I was alone. I struggled alone and overcame the struggle alone.

So, when the boss reached out to me, I wanted to reject the offer because I stopped living. I was just waiting to die. But I changed my mind just a few hours later.

It started out fine, but I became an all-around worker at that job because of my willingness to do anything. I was really grateful for that job, so I was enthusiastic.

Before I quit, I was still willing to do anything. What made me resign from the position was when the boss sent a video to me of him criticizing one case study that I wrote. It was destructive criticism.

I was open to criticism, but being told that I was replaceable, albeit indirectly, didn’t seem right to me. It wouldn’t sound right to you, too.

His voice in the video sounded mad, and he said he would find another writer. He didn’t say he would replace me, but I was offended.

After helping him save thousands of dollars for doing the jobs of 5+ people, I never received genuine thanks from him.

I even ranked a few of his blog posts by myself, and I didn’t receive any thanks for that. Instead, I received ungratefulness. He said, “But it doesn’t attract clients.”

After watching the video, I paused to calm myself down, and then I sent him a lengthy message. I told him I was unhappy because I was doing many different things and no one wanted to cooperate, even him.

I gave him a document reminding him of the responsibilities I assumed because it seemed he had forgotten. I was mad, too.

When I quit, he reached out to me two or three times. He wanted me to come back. He actually said he would hate for me to leave when I told him I would resign, but I made my decision. And it was final.

Quantum Workplace says that employee recognition is important to keep employees happy and motivated at work. Sadly, many employers don’t appreciate the efforts of their employees.

I am disappointed in him. Nonetheless, I am grateful because it solved my financial problems, and I was able to improve my skills and learn new ones.

Maybe that was the purpose of that job to begin with.

If you are unhappy with your life, you might be meant to be doing something else. Here is how to find your calling and discover your purpose in life!

How to Find Your Calling and Discover Your Purpose in Life
How to Find Your Calling and Discover Your Purpose in Life

1. If you are seeing results from your efforts, you may be on the right path.

I went through a stressful, soul-crushing path in 2020.

It was in April of 2021 when my life started to improve. I got a job that was paying me more than enough, and then A Lover in Disguise started ranking on Google.

It wasn’t my goal to rank at the time because I didn’t think I could rank blog posts. I had never done that, so I was surprised and happy when it happened. Really!

It boosted my confidence as a writer because ranking is the goal of many brands, and I did it without anyone’s help.

I was proud, so I mentioned it to my then-boss. He assigned his blog to me.

In an article by The Muse, if you don’t want to do tasks outside your job description, unpaid, don’t be too eager to prove yourself and be a top performer at work.

When I ranked a few of his blog posts on the first page by myself, I started believing I picked the right profession. Actually, I didn’t pick it.

If you read my post about my first content writing job, it just landed on my lap. It was up to me to pursue it or not.

I have been unlucky with my employers. I was unfairly treated, misled, criticized, and unappreciated. But I gained the inner strength I needed to survive alone.

I am an SEO specialist, and I wouldn’t have been in this position if I had not been introduced to and succeeded in SEO.

I am the founder of several projects. The success I have with A Lover in Disguise reassures me that I can create more successful projects in the future.

2. If you enjoy the process, your soul is aligned with what you are doing.

I published and deleted several posts on several platforms because I was figuring out what I wanted to do. I want to do something I will enjoy for a long time.

This is not about money for me but about increasing my happiness. If you want to find your calling and discover your purpose in life, allow yourself to explore.

People refuse to try because they are afraid of what people will say if they fail. Mind Tools says you are likely to experience this if you had to deal with criticism at a young age.

If you don’t enjoy the process because of the lack of results, I will not say you are doing the wrong thing, but you might be forcing two things that don’t match.

I attempted social media marketing many times because I wanted to like social media, but we were not compatible. I dislike social media no matter what I do.

On the contrary, A Lover in Disguise has its ups and downs, but it is still up and running almost 5 years later.

What I do with this project is aligned with who I am, so I enjoy the process.

3. If it seems nothing is going against it, the universe is agreeing with you.

Before I started to have life-changing problems in 2020, I went to Hong Kong.

I didn’t see those problems coming, so I used a part of my savings to celebrate my best friend’s birthday overseas.

The struggles I had were damaging, but I was grateful that no one got hospitalized whatsoever or that I didn’t need to deal with unexpected expenses.

I knew how much I needed to pay in the next month, so I could still budget my savings and the little amount I was earning at the time.

I knew when I would be financially hopeless. Good thing, I got a job before I could be financially hopeless.

I am a responsible payer. I always pay on time because I would feel like I was a disappointment if I didn’t. I guess it is a Virgo thing.

Life is harsh on me, but I still believe in it because I get the help I need when I need it: before I reach rock bottom.

When I was feeling down because I couldn’t get a job for 8 months in 2018, an Australian company emailed me. I got my first content writing job.

When I was fired 5 months later, I got a job just a few days later. It was still a content writer position, but at an American digital marketing agency.

When I almost used up my savings in 2021, I also got a job and was able to renew this website. I told you the story at the beginning of this post.

Currently, I am living comfortably, which is why I can freelance and have the time to explore many things. I don’t have a stable job, but I don’t have a family to feed.

Maybe if I got into an accident, I might regret not having a stable job.

But for now, I want to live my life slowly as I got exhausted from the painful events I dealt with in the last few years. *whew*

4. If you don’t think the grass is greener on the other side, you are supposed to be where you are.

If you want to find your calling and discover your purpose in life: What is that thing that will make you not want to be somewhere else?

As an independent contractor, there are a lot of ways to earn money, and I am trying whatever I can. I can go to Upwork or reach out to clients via email.

I also try out many different things as a content creator. I am serious about pursuing this path. Apart from writing, I want to try speaking as that is a good skill to have. I know I am not the best at speaking.

However, my goal is not to be popular because I want to live my life quietly, which is why I quit social media and don’t promote myself.

Reel Rundown enumerated disadvantages to being popular, but they all boil down to losing the freedom to be who you are and to do what you want.

I am happy with my life because I enjoy being alone. I think I have been single for so long and was born an introvert because I am supposed to do things alone.

I don’t see myself being in a relationship with anyone, and I cut off some family and friends because I want a quiet life.

I am content. After dealing with exhausting battles, I just want to breathe and step away from competition and noises. I just want peace of mind.

Last Words

To find your calling and discover your purpose in life, be away from people who want to ruin your calm, do nothing but find faults, or you don’t relate to anymore.

As you grow more mature, you just want to live a quiet life and be in your own quiet space because the outside world is full of people who live for external validation.

Now that you know how to find your calling and discover your purpose in life, what will you do?

If you enjoyed reading how to find your calling and discover your purpose in life, here is a video of me talking about my dreams:

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