How to Achieve Goals and Make Achievable Dreams Come True

Be angry at those people who try to pull you down.
Written by Alexia Dominique Reyes

People say that the right time is either now or never, but the right time to take risks is if you know you can survive on the other side. Let us talk about how to achieve goals and make achievable dreams come true.

Want to know how to achieve goals and make achievable dreams come true?

Starting a project is easy, but there comes a time when you will start to feel unmotivated for a lot of reasons. You got confused, you felt lonely, you realized your idea actually sucks, and so on.

I have been working on my projects since 2019, and it wasn’t a smooth journey. I was heartbroken, my life crumbled, no one supported me, and my belief in myself almost disappeared.

But I kept going. Honestly, I had to win over those people who made my life miserable. I didn’t care about anything other than winning. I was angry, which is okay, because here is how to achieve goals:

  1. Do it even if other people are against it.
  2. Embrace the struggles. You will understand why once you have reached the finish line.
  3. Take risks, but not all risks.
  4. Be angry at those people who make things more difficult for you.

Let’s begin.

How to Achieve Goals and Make Achievable Dreams Come True

I started working on my passion projects in May of 2019. But during that time, this blog was the only project I had, and this was called Who Killed Veronica.

I used Veronica because I liked Veronica Lodge of Riverdale.

It was in November of the same year that I decided to change it. I realized that the people who would come across the blog might think it was owned by someone named Veronica.

I didn’t want them to think that, so I changed it to A Lover in Disguise. “A Lover in Disguise” was an idea I had in college. It was the name of my blog back then, where I shared about the dramas in my life.

Months later, my ideas expanded. I thought of creating an ecosystem that is all about myself, so I set up another project in 2020 and named it A Writer in Disguise.

Currently, A Writer in Disguise is a Medium publication, but it is not open to other Medium writers. I share writing and language learning tips in it.

In 2022, I founded Traveling in Disguise, which is a travel vlog. I don’t regularly post new video content. Only when I travel, and I rarely travel.

So, I own several projects. I am working, and I have social responsibilities. Will I start more projects? Probably. Does that stress me out? No. Am I very busy? No. Is anyone helping me out? No!

Since the beginning, it has been just me who works on my personal projects.

According to BetterUp, being self-motivated is important to achieve goals because you need to keep moving forward at times when you feel like quitting or when people demotivate you.

Sometimes, I get tired. But I am at the point where I can’t stop anymore because I’ve invested a lot in this venture, and my life would be incomplete without them.

Do you have some goals you want to achieve, but you feel like you can’t do it because you are alone or you think you will fail? I was where you are!

Let me tell you more about my experiences. Here are some tips on how to achieve goals and make achievable dreams come true!

How to Achieve Goals and Make Achievable Dreams Come True
How to Achieve Goals and Make Achievable Dreams Come True

1. Do it even if other people are against it.

How to achieve goals? Do it even if other people are against it.

I didn’t tell a lot of people about my projects while I was getting them off the ground. A lot of things could have gone wrong, and I wanted to keep my failures to myself.

I also didn’t want to put pressure on myself.

However, the people I shared my ideas with didn’t think that they were making any sense. That I was making wrong decisions. That I wasn’t going to see my projects through to the end. That my projects would fail.

Tony Robbins says that one of the limiting beliefs you should overcome to achieve goals is your caring about other people’s opinions.

My mom in particular wasn’t against my change of career path, but she wasn’t liking it either. It was mostly because I didn’t have a regular job at the time. Yes, I was unemployed when I went all-in on my passion projects.

But only for a few months.

I got a good regular job that was paying me well and some repeat freelance clients months later, and it was because of my personal projects. That was actually part of my plan: to get jobs using my personal projects.

I quit that regular job after one and a half years, though. I also have a different set of freelance clients now.

2. Embrace the struggles. You will understand why once you have reached the finish line.

I struggled in the beginning. It was difficult to keep believing in myself because others didn’t believe in me. I was alone.

My entire existence was shaky, and I felt like the world was against me back then. I had a broken heart. I was broke. I met difficult clients. I couldn’t find a stable job. I was confused: Did I make the right choice?

I was depressed, and that is not an exaggeration. I can’t forget how I was sleeping in the living room (or not sleeping because I had sleep problems) and my tears would fall for simple reasons, or no reason at all.

I was so miserable that the easiest thing I could do was give up and do nothing. I stopped living.

Being alone, feeling lonely, a lack of support, a lack of direction, and the worry that you might have made the wrong decision could make you depressed. Mayo Clinic shares signs of depression.

But my previous employer reached out to me about a job, and that gave me hope.

Whenever I think about that phase in my life, I don’t get emotional anymore because I think I have moved on. But thinking about those people who put me in that situation sometimes — sometimes — makes me mad and hurt.

But then, I became a better person and a better creative professional because of what happened. I am deeply wounded, but I am proud of my work.

So, if you think you are carrying the weight of the world, remember that you would appreciate lightness only if you knew what heaviness is like.

The pain might not go away, but you become more tolerant and resilient because of it.

I was traumatized, but I became bolder. And careless. I can quit jobs. I can say whatever I want. I don’t care about getting fired. Whatever.

3. Take risks, but not all risks.

I didn’t have a regular job when I took the leap; I needed to sacrifice that job to begin. It wasn’t the only job I quit over the course of my career, but my projects were always among the reasons why.

At the moment, I am not working full-time at any company, and I want to stay this way. I don’t want to work 40 hours for a boss anymore that’s why I work 80 hours on my projects (of course, exaggeration).

Entrepreneurs, business owners, and anyone who works for themselves usually work more than 40 hours a week to achieve goals. If you work 80 hours, Unrubble has an 80-hour work week plan.

I think totally quitting the full-time setup was a risky move, but I didn’t take that risk without thinking. I was able to walk through this unstable career path because I have options.

I have skills I can use to find new sources of income. This blog, in particular, is one source. See the ad below? I am asking because it doesn’t load sometimes (gosh, Google AdSense).

While it is okay to take risks, make sure that it is a calculated risk. Don’t jump off the cliff without a parachute if you don’t want to suffer damage.

There is a right time for things. Some people would tell you that the right time is now or never. But when it comes to taking risks, it is once you know you can survive on the other side.

4. Be angry at those people who make things more difficult for you.

My anger made my projects possible. If I hadn’t become angry at those who opposed me and spread rumors about me, I wouldn’t have had the desire to bring my plans to life.

I am grateful for what they did. I don’t want to elaborate on this. The only point is that it is not always bad to be mad. Sometimes, you need to be mad to achieve goals.

Last Words

How to achieve goals? Do it in a revolutionary way, which means stop caring about the opposition and just move forward regardless of the difficulties and the obstacles you stumble upon.

Believe in yourself no matter what happens. Don’t wait for others to believe in you because, most likely, they will start believing in you once they see results.

So that’s how to achieve goals! Are you ready to make your dreams come true?

If you enjoyed reading how to achieve goals and make achievable dreams come true, here is a video of me talking about my passion projects:

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