How Introverts Fall in Love: A Personal Experience

Or more like how I fall in love, how I am when I'm in love, and how to make me fall in love.
Written by Alexia Dominique Reyes

Introverts are selective because they prefer deep connections, so they aren’t the kind who flirts with other people while in a relationship. Let’s talk about how introverts fall in love.

Wondering how introverts fall in love? Well, first things first: A lot of people are attracted to introverts because they are “mysterious.”

However, it is not easy to get an introvert to fall in love with anyone because introverts are selectively social, and they want to be with people who accept them for who they are.

You see, introverts are often judged just for their nature of being quiet, and it hurts them even though it doesn’t seem like it.

Here’s how introverts fall in love (but I think this is more about what to expect when introverts fall in love):

  1. Introverts love in silence.
  2. Some introverts are attracted to extroverts.
  3. Introverts are all about the little things.
  4. Introverts are faithful.

Let’s begin.

How Introverts Fall in Love: A Personal Experience

Not all introverts fall in love in the same way, but they have a lot of things in common. That said, take this with a grain of salt.

I’m going to base the points mostly on how I, an introvert, behave when I like someone, so this is more about how I fall in love, how I am when I’m in love, and how to make me fall in love.

If all introverts were like me, you would be able to know how to deal with that introverted person you are head over heels for.

But then again, I am not all introverts. I am just one of them. So don’t take action based on this post alone.

But before I talk about how introverts fall in love, I would like to clear up some misunderstandings.

A lot of people believe that all introverts are shy, but that’s not true. Although some of them are, they just don’t like talking and dealing with people. Introverts love quiet environments and their alone time.

According to Healthline, the terms “extroverts” and “introverts” refer to how a person prefers to spend their energy and recharge. Extroverts gain energy from being around people but introverts get exhausted if they stay in a crowded environment for long.

Personally, I was a shy introvert, but I was able to overcome it.

I still get shy sometimes, like when someone compliments me and I feel that the compliment came from a genuine place (some compliments are fake) or when the person I like is around.

But even non-introverts experience that, so it’s not because I’m an introvert. But I love my alone time so much, and that’s because I’m an introvert.

Introverts are deep. If not deep, then prefer topics that aren’t superficial.

Not all people can handle honest and sensible conversations, and it’s hard to find someone who can or is willing to, so they keep their mouths shut rather than be disappointed.

That’s one of the reasons why introverts are quiet.

Let’s dive in, shall we? Here is how introverts fall in love.

How Introverts Fall in Love: A Personal Experience
How Introverts Fall in Love: A Personal Experience

1. Introverts love in silence.

How do introverts fall in love?

Introverts are quiet people, so it shouldn’t be surprising that they love in silence. But by loving in silence, I mean loving secretly or subtly, depending on the situation.

If they are in a relationship or are close with the person they like, they won’t be vocal about their feelings for the other person. Instead, they will show their love through their actions.

If you pay attention but can’t understand non-verbal communication, then introverts may confuse you.

On the other hand, if there isn’t a relationship, it is either unrequited love or mutual love that has yet to occur — and confession is the key to making it happen.

Questions and Tisane shares some tips if you don’t know what to do once you confess to your crush, and the feeling is mutual!

Most introverts don’t confess no matter how deep their feelings are for the other person, and for a lot of reasons.

Personally, if I don’t confess at all, I am happy with how things are. I don’t want to get involved in any romantic situation after all because I love being alone. I love being single.

If I confessed with goodbyes, I just wanted closure so I can move on with my life without what-ifs. Not having closure makes people stuck in the past. Been there, done that.

If you think I confessed but you also think I didn’t, I might have just sent signals. I wanted you to do the full-blown confession.

I am a hopeless romantic after all.

2. Some introverts are attracted to extroverts.

Not all introverts are attracted to introverts because, coming from an introvert, quiet is sometimes boring.

A lot of us find extroverts a pain in the neck, but some extroverts are fun to be with if we are in the mood. I actually have more extroverted friends than introverted ones.

Back in college, I was attracted to introverts and was even hoping to marry one because I was thinking that I wouldn’t be able to stay sane if I decided to spend the rest of my life with an extrovert.

But things have changed.

The adventurous side of me has come out, so I’m now attracted to someone who is rebellious but not in a toxic and childish way. I now want someone who is adventurous and spontaneous.

Bustle says our personalities won’t stop changing until we turn 30. Personality affects preferences, so if you’re still in your 20s, allow yourself to explore and figure out who you really are.

I realized that extroverts can bring colors into introverts’ lives, but not all extroverts. It is important to consider the other aspects of a person’s personality and character as well.

Some people are just not compatible with some people.

3. Introverts are all about the little things.

Introverts are deep people, so they appreciate anything that has a deep meaning.

Even if it is a simple piece of paper with a simple note, if it was written from the heart, they will keep it. I do.

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to make them happy. Just be kind and genuine, and that’s usually enough.

Personally, I write to, for, and about other people, so it makes my heart melt when someone writes to or about me.

I’m not saying that only introverts have a preference for the little things. I’ve talked to extroverts who are sentimental and deep, so I want to say that extroverts may appear superficial, but they have feelings, too.

There’s actually someone that made a mark on me back in college.

He was reckless and seemed to be lacking substance, but when he shared with me the story of his childhood, I saw sadness and pain — and substance.

Not all shallow people are shallow by default. Some are just choosing to be shallow because they are around people who are not willing to get to know them on a deeper level.

Many of us fear social rejection, so we keep our problems to ourselves.

4. Introverts are faithful.

Introverts in love are faithful. They are selective because they prefer deep connections, so they don’t flirt with other people while in a relationship.

They don’t let just anyone into their lives, and it is not because they are too full of themselves or they see themselves as special. They just are not as sociable as extroverts, and it’s as simple as that.

You see, introverts get energy from being alone.

But I shouldn’t generalize, right? I know that there are introverts who aren’t faithful, and I know that too well.

The thing is, my father is an introvert, but he cheated. But he had been faithful for over two decades, and that’s still a long time.

Psychology Today says that highly extroverted people are more sexually active, so they are more likely to cheat compared to introverts.

And if I were to come up with a conclusion based on my father’s case alone, I would say that introverts have the tendency to cheat, but it is going to happen later rather than sooner.

I am faithful, and I believe my introversion plays a part in that. I would rather be single than be with someone I don’t connect with on a deeper level.

Last Words

If you are here right now because you are curious about how you can make your introverted friend fall in love with you, don’t do anything loud.

Keep it simple and as quiet as them — unless they are hopeless romantics who want to be swept off their feet. Just don’t love bomb!

But of course, it still depends on who they are. As I said, not all introverts are the same. Introverts fall in love in different ways!

So that’s how introverts fall in love!

If you enjoyed reading how introverts fall in love, here is a video of me sharing more facts about introverts in love:

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