How I View Marriage Now: I Don’t Want to Get Married

I don't want to get married.
Written by Alexia Dominique Reyes
How I View Marriage Now: I Don't Want to Get Married
How I View Marriage Now: I Don’t Want to Get Married

How I view marriage now? Believe it or not, I don’t want to get married, and it is not because I have no other choice. I do.

I have been single since 2010. I have found ways to be happy by myself, and I have built a life that can’t accommodate another person.

Marriage is seen as a necessary step in one’s life, but many of them don’t last. It ends in divorce or loveless marriage, which is the case in the Philippines where divorce is illegal.

I get asked, “When will you have a boyfriend?” or “When will you get married?” by those who are not happily married themselves.

It has become ingrained in everyone’s mind that getting married is key to a happy life, so they ask those questions without thinking.

If they were thinking, they should have supported my decision to be single. Why? Their marriages failed, so they must think getting married sucks.

Yes, I think getting married sucks.

Do you disagree with how I view marriage?

If you enjoyed reading how I view marriage now, here is a video of me talking about the failed marriages in the Philippines:

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