5 Embarrassing Moments in High School Because I’m Not Perfect

Your past doesn't dictate your future.
Written by Alexia Dominique Reyes

If my life had been perfect from the beginning, I wouldn’t have been able to connect with normal people and understand what they are going through. Let me share my embarrassing moments in high school.

I mentioned that I was unattractive, and I had a lot of embarrassing moments in high school because of that. I finally got the courage to talk about them. *sigh*

I will list them down now. Here are my embarrassing moments in high school because I was and will never be perfect:

  1. I peed and pooped on my skirt while the class was ongoing.
  2. I forced my then-crush to marry me in the marriage booth.
  3. I liked someone because he told me he liked me.
  4. I wore retainers that looked like braces, and then I told people I had braces.
  5. I cried hard alone while my close friend’s mother was sharing her message for her son with the whole class.

Let’s begin.

5 Embarrassing Moments in High School Because I’m Not Perfect

If you know me well, you know that my high school was memorable in a negative way. I experienced lots of terrible things back then. I admit some were my fault.

I had low self-esteem because, at the time, I was ugly and shy. Instead of receiving encouragement, people insulted me and put pressure on me. I hated that.

So, I don’t trust people so easily. I have friends and acquaintances, but the only people I know will never have any ulterior motives are my mom and my brothers.

I have a good relationship with many of my friends and relatives, but I don’t trust them because, in the past, they did something that showed me I shouldn’t.

I have been thinking about trust these days because something happened, and it made me realize that someone wanted to be close to me not because he liked me.

Want to know when you are being used? Verywell Mind shares signs someone is using you for their benefit.

He needs me. I found out from a different source that he will quit his job soon, and he will want me to connect him to my clients for a job.

It was disappointing because I don’t like being used. I also dislike those who want shortcuts because I worked hard to be in this position.

Sure. I was once a beneficiary of connections as I got my first job because of my mom. But it was my mom. She was concerned about me, and I was hopeless.

We don’t have that kind of closeness, so I can’t help but think he is using me.

If I were an office girl earning as much as he does, would he want to befriend me? This is actually a struggle that I have now that I am not ugly and timid anymore.

Do people have good intentions or not? Do they like me for me or for what I have and can do? It is hard to have trust issues.

In high school, only a few approached me because I was and had nothing. And I like it better than meeting people with bad intentions.

So, here are some of my embarrassing moments in high school.

5 Embarrassing Moments in High School Because I'm Not Perfect
5 Embarrassing Moments in High School Because I’m Not Perfect

1. I peed on my skirt while the class was ongoing.

I think I was in my sophomore year when I peed on my skirt, and it was so embarrassing. I asked for permission to go out to pee, but I peed the moment I stepped out and closed the door.

The door had a small window. What I did was I called the teacher through the window and asked her to come out. I felt that it was disrespectful to tell a teacher to come out, but I didn’t want to tell the whole class.

She walked toward me and opened the door. I whispered that I peed on my skirt.

According to PsychCentral, people who are highly sensitive, socially anxious, and overthinkers get embarrassed more often than normal.

I forgot what happened, but that teacher was actually my favorite teacher, so I felt comfortable around her. I’m not sure if the whole class knew, but maybe they did.

I was very, very shy in high school that even interrupting the class to tell the teacher I would go pee was something I was terrified of.

I would rather hold it in and wait for the break time.

I also pooped on my skirt in high school. I was 13 to 14 years old with terrible self-esteem issues, and I myself am hating my past self for that.

You can un-know me if you think that embarrassing moment ruined your perception of me. Understandable.

2. I forced my then-crush to marry me in the marriage booth.

I was a junior when I liked him, so it happened in my third year in high school. Every foundation day, there were different booths in the gymnasium.

There was a marriage booth, and it was one of the highlights of the foundation day.

I had been liking the guy for about a year, so I thought it was long enough for me to be allowed to marry him.

So, I asked my friends to look for him, and then we got married.

It was apparent that he didn’t like it, but I really wanted it, so I didn’t care. Today, I don’t regret anything. I just think it was hilarious.

Psychology Today says that teenagers are more likely to do risky and dangerous activities.

He liked someone else at the time, and I have nothing to say about that because the girl was better than me in all aspects.

Whenever we meet somewhere — a mall for example — he avoids me. I think he really didn’t like the fact that I once liked him. Or maybe he was just shy?

But I was hurt when a few hours after our fake marriage, he threw away the fake ring. Not because it showed the feeling wasn’t mutual. It hurt my ego.

Was he disgusted with me?

3. I liked someone because he told me he liked me.

After the solid rejection, I moved on.

In my senior year, I liked a guy. He was the first guy I liked in high school, freshman year, but it was just in my senior year when we became classmates.

I consider him my second unrequited love, and I talked about him in my post about unrequited love. He was the guy I sought closure with.

It wasn’t a big deal when I knew that we would be classmates, but when he showed interest in me and confessed to me about it, things changed. I liked him again.

He ghosted me, but I can never hate that person because he is really a good person. So close to God. He is now a pastor.

He is the epitome of a good guy you will be proud to introduce to your parents. From a good family. A confident guy. A smart guy. Everyone loves him.

My feelings for him lasted until my first year in college.

Hack Spirit enumerates 36 qualities of an ideal man.

In 2014, I think it was a few days after Christmas Day, I messaged him on Facebook and asked him if he liked me.

I was texting him before that, but he wouldn’t reply. So, I went to Facebook and talked to him there. And there, I got the closure I wanted.

My text messages were cringeworthy because I was desperate. But the only text I remember so clearly was when I greeted him on Valentine’s Day in 2014.

He didn’t like me enough for him to want to be with me, which was fine.

I didn’t get mad. I told him that he shouldn’t leave people hanging because it feels terrible not to know where you stand in someone’s life.

He agreed, and he was sorry. I liked how we handled it. No hard feelings between us. We are on good terms.

When I saw his parents weeks ago at the restaurant my family ate at, I approached them and introduced myself.

He was not with them because he was at work, but that’s how good our relationship is: I can approach his parents just like that.

4. I wore retainers that looked like braces, and then I told people I had braces.

I can’t remember when it happened, but this is one of the most embarrassing moments in high school that I am so ashamed to admit to anyone, especially my high school friends.

It was my dream to have braces because I hated my teeth, which is why I was so happy when I had the money to pay for them.

My parents were living paycheck to paycheck, so I had to save up. I had my braces from 2019 through 2021.

In high school, someone was making fancy retainers for a cheap price. I couldn’t afford braces, so I went there and picked a design that looked like braces.

I wore them in school. I didn’t tell people that I had braces, but people assumed those were braces. I let them think what they wanted. I loved the attention!

According to Insider, some signs that you may have a main character syndrome include the desire to be the center of attention, the inability to take criticism, and the need to have a perfect life.

But I could not show my teeth very openly because they didn’t look like braces in close-up. I was a liar in the past. Cringe.

And then one day, I forgot to wear the retainers because I was in a rush.

My father was dropping us off at school back then, but I didn’t want to ask him to open the gate so that I could get the retainers. We would be late!

I was scared of what people would say if they saw that my braces were taken off after just a few days. But I faced the situation and let people say what they wanted.

I remember that my excuse was that I had a wisdom tooth, so my braces had to be removed. Now that I am knowledgeable about teeth, that was a dumb excuse.

5. I cried hard alone while my close friend’s mother was sharing her message for her son with the whole class.

In high school, I had a close guy friend. No problem because he was soft. We even thought he was gay. We were close because we loved making fun of people.

That guy friend and I were in the same circle. I had only one circle in high school, and there were nine members. We are still friends.

So, during the family day, parents were in school. There was a segment in the program where parents would share a message for their children.

When that guy friend’s mom shared her message, I cried hard. It was a funny moment because I was the only one crying. My friend was not even crying!

In this post by Highly Sensitive Refuge, if you cry easily, you may be depressed, anxious, or stressed.

I look like a person who doesn’t have feelings, but I cry easily because I am emotional. If I am hurting, I hide it. But if I am so happy, I might show it.

If you are wondering about my mom, my mom was there. And I remember that I told her I was sorry for being bipolar when I was just moody, not bipolar.

I think that was also one of my embarrassing moments in high school.

Last Words

If I appeared in your life as this charming woman who is overly confident in her opinions, you would think that my life has been great since I was born.

I had issues in the past. My embarrassing moments in high school are actually worse than others. Some people consider their high school life the best. Not me.

But I wouldn’t change anything if I could go back. If I had not been embarrassed in high school, even the tiniest mistake in my life would’ve been a big deal.

Plus, if my life had been perfect from the beginning, I wouldn’t have been able to connect with normal people and understand what they are going through.

Can you share your embarrassing moments in high school with others?

If you enjoyed reading my embarrassing moments in high school, here is a video of me being defensive because my high school self was not someone to be proud of:

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