Does Destiny Exist? Let Me Tell You a Story About Destiny

Too much belief in destiny can ruin your life, but it exists.
Written by Alexia Dominique Reyes

Does destiny exist? I believe destiny exists. But I also believe that people have brains so that they can think and decide for themselves.

Does destiny exist? I believe that destiny exists. Why?

I was feeling so down these past few days, and it was just a few minutes ago that I was able to shift my mood. That is the reason why I am talking about destiny right now. You will understand later.

But before I get to the point, I will blabber.

I feel like something is missing inside me, and I can’t be certain what that is. I am thinking right now and asking myself a lot of questions.

But I think I am just bored.

I talk to people every day, but I don’t feel any spark. Not that I dislike the people I talk to, but the things we talk about are just not interesting to me.

Or maybe that is not the case. Maybe I am just not interested in them.

I think I want to feel a connection with somebody. But that is too much to ask for, and I can’t feel that connection with anyone.

But I think I just feel lonely these days, and I need affection. I think I want to be in love. Or maybe I am just really bored.

There is a part of me that waits for the person I am destined to be with. I believe in destiny because I experienced it. I know I met certain people for a reason.

Read on if you are interested in my story of destiny!

Does Destiny Exist? Let Me Tell You a Story About Destiny
Does Destiny Exist? Let Me Tell You a Story About Destiny

Does Destiny Exist? Let Me Tell You a Story About Destiny

I feel like I was destined to have feelings for the people I had feelings for.

I have never experienced mutual love, so I am not sure if I have been in love. I think I was simply infatuated during those times.

But the funny thing about that is that there is a similarity among those people I liked, and the similarity is so specific that it blows my mind: 103.

I first used 103 in 2013 in my Facebook username: /ALEXIA103.

That was the time I had feelings for someone whose first name starts with the letter J and last name with the letter C.

J is the tenth letter in the alphabet while C is the third. 10 + 3 = 103.

The second time I encountered that number was in 2016. This time, it was connected to my college crush. That one I had liked for over four years.

I was in my physical science class, holding the periodic table of elements, when I remembered that his name is one of the elements. So, I checked.

His name is Lawrence. Lawrencium is an element in the periodic table, and it is the 103rd element. That was shocking to me.

The third time was in 2019. I didn’t have feelings for this person, or maybe I had.

It is complicated because I think I had feelings, but I don’t want to admit it to myself because I don’t like him. My mind and my heart are fighting.

For this person, 103 was in his mailing address. But I am not sure if it was his real mailing address because I just saw it. I didn’t confirm, so…

But the circumstances with this person were different, so I thought that he was the one for real. I bought him a Hong Kong Disneyland sweater, but I threw it away.

I also bought myself the same sweater so that we could be matchy-matchy, but I also threw mine away. He was another wrong one, sad to say.

I haven’t liked anyone since. I am looking for another 103, but I have not found it.

But as you can see, I saw the first 103 in 2013, the second in 2016, and the third in 2019. I should have seen the fourth 103 in 2022, but I saw nothing.

Too Much Belief in Destiny Can Ruin Your Life

I may have said that I believe in destiny, but I also believe that people have brains so that they can think and decide for themselves.

I don’t see anything wrong with believing that destiny does exist, but your ability to choose exists, too. It can save you from heartaches.

I thought the first one was the one. I also thought the second one was the one. And I also thought the third one was the one. I was looking for the one.

The consequences of those were simple: broken hopes and a broken heart.

I have not been in a real relationship, and I want to cry every time I say to myself, “I have never been in love, but I am already too broken to love.”

There are other things, people, and events that broke my heart, so I am not totally blaming my hopeless romantic self.

But if you believe too much in destiny, you will reach the point of being delusional. You see things that are not there and hold on to people longer than you should.

Lots of false hopes. Lots of imaginary scenarios in your head. When it becomes clear that they are not the one, lots of pain await you.

Some Forces Are Holding Us Back and Pushing Us Forward

But I sometimes wonder, is it possible that our choices are part of our destiny?

Whenever I think about the act of choosing, I can’t help but think that maybe I am destined to think about it. Maybe I am supposed to have those thoughts.

Sometimes, I play with my mind. It is better if you experience it.

Think about what you are thinking right now. If you think of something else, is that change in your thoughts meant to happen?

If you change your thoughts again, is it meant to happen, too?

I am thinking that what I am writing about is something I must write about today. Maybe it is written in the stars that I must be inquisitive and talk about destiny.

Maybe there is someone out there who must read this.

You have reached this point. Do you think this is something you must read? If so, I will take advantage of this moment. If you are looking for a sign, this is the sign.

Do whatever it is you want to do but are hesitant about.

If you believe that there is a higher being that influences what happens in our lives, maybe coming across this post, and this blog, is part of your destiny.

Last Words

Something that I thought of while writing this is that I can be in a relationship anytime I want, but why am I choosing to be single?

I always have the option to download online dating apps and find love there, but why can’t I? I meet many people every day, but why do I ignore them?

Honestly, I have no problem with being single for so long, but I am sometimes questioning why I am indeed single for so long.

People were trying to set me up with someone back then, but why didn’t I want it? Why did it feel like it was against something that I still can’t quite figure out?

Am I destined to be single for this long or has it been my choice from the very beginning? If I decided to date now, would that ruin something in my future?

Has the person I will marry been single for as long as I am?

Does destiny exist? I think it does, but so does our ability to choose our paths.

Does destiny exist? If you enjoyed reading why I believe that destiny exists, here is a video of me talking about none other than destiny (of course):

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