5 Benefits of Working Out From a Former Sedentary Female

I lost over 10 kilograms in less than a year.
Written by Alexia Dominique Reyes

I have an active lifestyle now, but I was sedentary for many years before I decided to move a lot. Let us talk about the benefits of working out from a former sedentary female, which is me!

You know the benefits of working out: increased happiness, healthy weight, stronger muscles, and our body systems become more efficient.

But not everyone is sold. Despite knowing the benefits of working out, they would rather be couch potatoes because that is easier.

I get it. Been there, done that. I didn’t like working out back then, but I became almost overweight in 2021. I knew I needed to do something about it.

Here are the benefits of working out, from a former sedentary female:

  1. The more you move, the more calories you burn.
  2. The outdoor environment makes you happier.
  3. Starting your day productive makes the rest of the day productive.
  4. Being physically active improves your confidence, which then improves your social skills.
  5. Training your muscles makes you stronger.

Let’s begin.

5 Benefits of Working Out From a Former Sedentary Female

I stand at 165 cm, and 50 to 60 kilograms is the normal-looking weight for me.

“Normal-looking” because the ideal weight is not strictly within that range. It could be a little over or a little less than that if we follow what the experts say.

According to Medical News Today, a 165-cm woman becomes overweight if she is over 67 kilograms. That is 148 pounds.

But considering my build, if I become over 60 kilograms, I will be “too fat.” I have a small body frame, so the perfect weight for me is less than 60 kilograms.

Currently, I am hovering around 55 kilograms. I wanted to be 51 kilograms, but I am weight training. The bigger my muscles, the heavier I become.

I think I am okay with 55 kilograms. I know that it seems too low of weight for my height, but I don’t look anorexic whatsoever.

Maybe my small boobs and thin bones have a role in my low body weight. If I had bigger boobs and a large frame, my weight might have increased by 2 kilograms.

But many people say Asians generally weigh less than those who live in other parts of the world, so maybe the fact that I am an Asian has a role in my low weight.

So, I was physically active in school because I had to walk a lot to and from school. I also had to walk inside the campus. But I wasn’t considered “active.”

I didn’t like exercise growing up. I was just existing and going with the flow.

If I had to dance to pass the subject, I would. If I had to walk to school, I would. Basically, I would do what the situation wanted me to do.

I became interested in working out just in 2022. I also started intermittent fasting at the time. I had gained so much weight in 2021, and I didn’t like that.

Healthline explains that intermittent fasting is an eating pattern where there are fasting and eating hours. When you eat matters more than what you eat.

The heaviest I have been was at almost 70 kilograms. I don’t know the exact number as what mattered to me was that I looked so fat.

I had a huge tummy. My butt looked big and while it was great, it was because of too much fat. I had flabby arms, too, and my double chin was visible.

At first, I was inconsistent with my dieting because I was not sure if it was possible to go back to an appropriate weight, where I didn’t look “too fat.”

But when I weighed myself one time in October or September of 2022, I saw a significant decrease in my weight. I think 6 kilograms.

But I didn’t really lose 6 kilograms at the time. The weighing scale was just broken. If that broken scale hadn’t fooled me, I wouldn’t become motivated to keep going.

I was able to be at an appropriate weight in less than a year because of intermittent fasting and calorie deficit, so this is not about how working out can help you lose weight. I lost weight by eating mindfully.

I would actually suggest intermittent fasting, and not working out, if you want to lose weight. I think I agree with what Dr. Jason Fung says in The Obesity Code.

When I started working out regularly and being consistent with it, what improved are my social skills, my confidence, my happiness, and my overall well-being.

Let us talk about my fitness journey in more detail. Here are the benefits of working out from a former sedentary female.

5 Benefits of Working Out From a Former Sedentary Female
5 Benefits of Working Out From a Former Sedentary Female

1. The more you move, the more calories you burn.

This is the most obvious among all the benefits of working out: burning calories.

I don’t work out intensely. I think what’s intense is my walking. My target is to walk 5,000 steps every morning. That is half the recommended 10,000.

But I take 5,000 steps within 1 hour outside in the morning, so I think that is intense. I also walk in the house, so my steps by the end of the day reach 7,000+.

I work from home.

I wake up at around 6:30 AM or earlier, and then get ready. I leave the house before 6:50 AM. I don’t eat before I leave as I want to do it with an empty stomach.

I do that only from Mondays through Fridays. According to my smartwatch, I burn 300 to 500 calories from my walking.

According to Livestrong, the calories you burn depend on your heart rate.

I don’t do intermittent fasting anymore, but I eat properly. I bring bottled water as it is cheaper than buying one from a convenience store.

But I grab a coffee float at McDonald’s sometimes. Or oftentimes. I think the fast-food workers already know me, especially the security guard.

Once I get home, which is typically at around 8:00 AM, I will rest a bit. If I am feeling it, I will turn on my laptop and do some work.

I have a fixed schedule for work, but I have nothing in my schedule from 8:00 to 10:00 AM, so I can do whatever I am in the mood for in those hours.

I do my weightlifting routine at night, after work. I do kettlebell squats and kettlebell arm lifts. Simple, but I was able to gain muscle from that routine.

And I think that it is better to have a simple routine you can be consistent with than force yourself to do heavy workouts that you will not stick with.

2. The outdoor environment makes you happier.

Before I decided to add walking to my workout routine, I was oversleeping and had an inconsistent sleeping schedule. My sleep was terrible.

I was staying up at night and sleeping in the morning. I had an ultra-flexible schedule, so I had a lot of time for sleep. It was hard to have a work-rest balance.

But the safest time to walk is in the morning when the streets are loud and people are awake, so I have to wake up early. And it doesn’t feel like a chore!

I am walking alone, so I can’t walk at night. During the first weeks, when I was not wearing a sweater, I was followed by creeps!

There was one who even took pictures of my back or butt because I was wearing leggings. I don’t wear leggings anymore because of that incident.

The Conversation says if women are often objectified, they start overthinking their physical appearance and developing psychological problems.

And then there was another who was in the car, and he was old. I think he wanted me to be his sugar baby. *cringe*

I think sugar daddies are attracted to me. These days, there is a red car that intentionally blocks my way, so I assume that the driver wants my attention.

He blocks my way even in places where the road is wide, and I am “unblockable.” I mean, it would be obvious that the blocking was done on purpose.

I don’t talk to people unless I need to, but it was fun to cross paths with people who are living their lives, minding their businesses.

I didn’t like the sun back then as I was overly dramatic in the past, so I was fond of the dark. But I now love the sun except for the times it is harsh on my skin!

But I apply sunscreen. And I am wearing a cap!

3. Starting your day productive makes the rest of the day productive.

It is 12:59 in the afternoon. But before I started writing this, I took a shower. I also lifted weights. I walked earlier and, according to my smartwatch, I took 6,283 steps and burned 429 calories.

Mayo Clinic says the calories burned depends on the intensity of walking.

Months ago, I would be asleep at this time, and I wouldn’t have considered working on my personal projects as I would be too tired due to oversleeping.

My life has changed since I incorporated walking into my life. I thought that people who were praising walking were lying, but I now believe them.

Starting your day with exercise improves your mood the whole day.

I started this routine because I wanted to lower my body fat percentage as quickly as possible despite the increase in my food intake.

But what happened is that I feel full the rest of the day and have more energy to be productive. So, I eat less and accomplish more.

4. Being physically active improves your confidence, which then improves your social skills.

One of the benefits of working out that is related to personal development is that it improves your confidence, which then improves your social skills.

When I was living a sedentary lifestyle, I wasn’t used to being around people, so I lost my social skills. I was afraid of people. I thought they might do anything to me.

But not everyone can walk 5,000 steps within the city with no company. I was afraid of walking alone because that was awkward, and people might think I was weird.

That was despite my introversion!

Cleveland Clinic says that the fear of being alone is called Autophobia, and it is caused by personality disorders, mental health issues, family history and genetics, and gender, among others.

But now, who cares if I walk back and forth the same street? Who cares if I sit at a table alone? Who cares if I am alone?

I admit that I am confident being alone because I am attractive, and I know it. Look good, feel good. Being pretty is a confidence booster!

5. Training your muscles makes you stronger.

Another thing that makes me confident to walk alone is that I feel stronger than most people around me. I am a woman, but I am not scared of any men.

Back then, I was. But because I feel stronger due to weightlifting, and I am taller than many people, I feel like I can defend myself if they grab me suddenly.

Also, walking is helpful for my legs. I feel like I can kick anyone who touches me inappropriately. My legs are strong!

I have a lot of suppressed anger. I can use that to fuel my punches and kicks!

According to Psychology Today, anger can motivate us to act. We tend to associate it with violence, but violence is just one of the many ways of expressing anger.

And I think my mom sees that as she now allows me to travel solo. I was surprised when she didn’t oppose my solo travel plans.

One time, my mom pointed out the muscle on top of my shoulders that goes to the neck. I don’t know what it is called, but the shape is like a mountain on my shoulders. You will know it if you have it.

I am not muscular, and I don’t aim to be muscular. But I need to have some muscle mass so that I can travel solo. That has been the number one reason ever since.

My mom wasn’t allowing me to be alone because of what creepy guys might do to me. She would let me do whatever I wanted only once I got married.

But I don’t plan on getting married, so I will not have a husband who will “protect” me. I think my mom wants me to get married more than I do. Nope!

Last Words

What made working out difficult for me, and what makes it difficult for other people, is that we think we should do it at an extreme level to get the most benefits.

My strength training routine was intense months ago. I was doing planks, Pilates, and other bodyweight exercises. I was not able to stick with that routine.

If you want a workout routine that you will be able to do consistently, do exercises that you can do easily, and don’t force yourself to work out for an hour if you can’t.

Ready to experience the benefits of working out?

If you enjoyed reading the benefits of working out from a former sedentary female, which is me, here is a video of me talking about my fitness and weight loss journey:

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