5 Benefits of Being Single From a Perpetually Single Woman

"I love you" is special and once I say it to someone, I will cry.
Written by Alexia Dominique Reyes

My long-term goals are travel goals, and I don’t see myself doing all of those things with someone. Here are the benefits of being single!

If there is someone who can give you the perfect information about the benefits of being single, that’s me! I have been single since 2010!

Yes, not since birth. I just put the “perpetually single” there because it feels like I have never been in a relationship.

But that’s good. I can compare being single to being in a relationship, even though we didn’t do relationship stuff. So, here are the benefits of being single:

  1. No need to worry about your physical appearance. Who cares?
  2. It is easier to be financially stable when you are single.
  3. It is easier to be emotionally stable because you don’t deal with drama.
  4. You can ignore people for days and even months.
  5. You can talk to people and not worry about someone being jealous.

Let’s begin.

5 Benefits of Being Single From a Perpetually Single Woman

I don’t want to say that “I have been in a relationship” because those relationships were not relationships. Or they didn’t feel like relationships.

But just because I don’t consider them relationships doesn’t mean that I never did consider those relationships even once. My past self was dumb!

I said the three big words, but I didn’t know what they meant at the time. “I love you” didn’t have any special meaning. It was like a task I needed to do.

And I did it via text.

According to Time, it is hard for many people to say those three creepy words because love gave them pain in the past, and they fear it happening again.

I never said it to someone in person, so it sounds strange when I say it to myself. I say it to myself not because I love myself. I want to see how I will react.

I react in the same way every time. It gives me this unexplainable feeling that I think resulted from its creepiness *scratch that* being special.

For me, “I love you” is special and I think once I say it to someone, I will cry because I really love that person. I take it seriously!

But I don’t see myself being in a relationship and saying it anytime soon. Here are the benefits of being single, which stop me from committing.

5 Benefits of Being Single From a Perpetually Single Woman
5 Benefits of Being Single From a Perpetually Single Woman

1. No need to worry about your physical appearance. Who cares?

I am not saying that you should please your boyfriend or always look pretty around them. But there is no denying that it is easier to be ugly when you are single.

I am single, and I don’t spend so much time on my physical appearance. What I do every day are just the basics of proper hygiene.

Every day, I take a shower, brush my teeth, and do my skincare routine.

I prefer natural, so I don’t wear makeup. My face at home is the same face you will see when you meet me outside walking 5,000+ steps.

Byrdie explains that makeup products sit on the skin, so they affect our skin’s sebum production and natural hydration.

But I wear different clothes for different situations. I can go from looking like I am homeless to looking like I own the place I am in.

Right now, I am looking like I am homeless. It is not like I have to look beautiful around my mother and my siblings. *shrugs* Nothing to lose!

2. It is easier to be financially stable when you are single.

It is easy for me to save. I live with my mom and my siblings. I don’t have rent fees, and I contribute just 10% of my income to keep this household running.

I spend a lot more on food deliveries and personal subscriptions. But on average, the total amount doesn’t go over 20% of my monthly income.

If you always, always deal with financial problems, The Balance shares simple ways to manage your money better.

Given that, the financial problem I deal with is more about how I will spend my money than how I can earn more. So, I tend to spend on nonsense.

I tried donating money to sick people asking for help on social media, but I am not on social media anymore. I think I should just save it.

3. It is easier to be emotionally stable because you don’t deal with drama.

I admit I am dramatic sometimes, but I don’t like too much drama.

You can rely on me, talk about your problems with me, and even cry around (or with) me but not if the reason is childish or nonsensical.

And not if you do it many times for the same reasons.

I am looking into the current state of my emotional health right now, and what I see is a peaceful place and there is nothing in it.

I have depressive moments, though. But we are talking about now!

Psychology Today says while romantic love can make people happy, it can make them feel depressing emotions, too. Romantic love isn’t equal to happiness. Anyone can be happy without it.

Romantically, my heart is empty right now. I am not even crushing on anyone, even celebrity crushes. I think I lost the ability to love.

But if I entered into a relationship, I would deal with emotional roller coasters for sure. I think I would get jealous easily, and I would want cuddles.

I think I would be a different person on the other side of singleness.

4. You can ignore people for days and even months.

One of the benefits of being single is that you can ignore people for days and even months, and you don’t need to worry about someone being mad.

Most of the people I talk to online are those I am professionally connected with. I would lose those clients if I ignored their messages!

I don’t talk to my friends anymore because I am not on social media. I prefer real-life interactions, so I do offline communications more.

The Big Picture People says that online communication is limited in the sense that, because we see ourselves on the screen, we pay less attention to the person we are talking with.

But I am at home most of the time, so the people I talk to more than anyone else are my mother and my siblings. But I don’t need to speak if I don’t want to.

If I had a boyfriend, he would hate me for not responding to his messages or for taking too long to respond. It might lead to a breakup.

Such a hassle. Being single is the cure for some stress!

5. You can talk to people and not worry about someone being jealous.

I don’t talk to people on a regular basis, but I talk to men sometimes. Sometimes, the cashier at McDonald’s is a man, the delivery person is a guy, and so on.

I attract men, too, when I do my morning walk. He might not like that if he is the possessive type. He might tell me to stop walking, but no controlling!

There are more males than females on Earth. I don’t look at those men as potential boyfriends, but if I had a boyfriend, he might get jealous of some.

That is funny in my opinion. Many males don’t care about me!

According to Pew Research Center, there were about 44 million more males than females in the global population as of 2021.

But I don’t have a boyfriend, so I can comfortably exist in a male-dominated world, and even connect with some of them. If I had, I would be cautious!

It wouldn’t be because I want my boyfriend to control me. This is about me caring about my boyfriend’s feelings. I wouldn’t want him to leave me.

But then again, I don’t have a boyfriend, so no worries. If you are a man, hi!

Last Words

I think there isn’t anyone in the world who is compatible with me (even though I haven’t met all the people in the world), so I would rather be single.

My long-term goals are travel goals, and I don’t see myself doing all of those things with someone. I think I am destined to be single forever.

Have more benefits of being single in mind?

If you enjoyed reading the benefits of being single from a perpetually single woman, here is a video of me talking about my mindset when it comes to relationships:

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