An Open Letter to the Envious: Stop Focusing on Other People

What have they done to you? Or have they done anything to you?
Written by Alexia Dominique Reyes
An Open Letter to the Envious: Stop Focusing on Other People
An Open Letter to the Envious: Stop Focusing on Other People

An open letter to the envious: Stop looking down on yourself and instead of paying attention to other people’s lives, why not look deep inside you so you can see that there is something you can do to make your life as good as theirs?

Or as good as your idea of theirs?

The thing is, I observe people, including myself. And some people think my life is better than theirs, but I don’t think so.

If you see what is inside me, we are just on the same page.

I am just a human, like anyone else.

I have painful stories that I keep to myself, have emotional wounds I haven’t gotten over with, get rejected by people, deal with unpleasant situations, and have fears.

You don’t see those things because you give too much importance to what is on the surface. You are looking at people with ego, so you feel life is unfair.

Try to relate to people on an emotional level. You will realize that we are the same.

And that it is not our fault that you are miserable right now if you feel that way.

You like hating on people who do better than you or have more than you, but have you asked yourself even once why you are hating on them?

What have they done to you? Or have they done anything to you?

You like bringing people down, but why? Have you asked yourself why?

Let me answer that question for you: You are immature. I don’t want it to sound rude, but it means one thing: You have some inner work to do.

You might be thinking that I have the audacity to say all of those things because I haven’t been where you are right now.

It is true that I haven’t been there because I have always been here, living my own life that is filled with my own version of highs and lows.

I don’t know what you are going through, or what you have gone through. But it doesn’t mean that I don’t know what pain feels like, or what it feels like to be the unchosen one, the unfavored one, or the unimportant one.

Because I know that.

Do you want me to cry out all of the emotional wounds that I have and the painful stories that I haven’t told anyone before you realize that I am hurting, too?

That my life hasn’t been as good as you think it has been?

If you cry in secret at night, I do that, too. If sometimes you can’t help but cry in the morning as well because it feels too heavy, I experience that, too.

If there are days you want to die, I have those, too.

And it is not just me. It is also your friend, the strangers you meet, that person you hate, and all the people around you.

If you try to forget all your problems and pain to get through the day, didn’t it occur to you that the person you envy may be doing the same thing?

That maybe the good things you see about them are mere facades?

Genuine happiness exists, but what if, for that one person, it is just all for show? Just like it is just for show to you?

You don’t know what people are dealing with, so you can’t be sure if they are someone you should envy. What if they envy you?

If you are not happy with your life, do things that will make you happy. Improve your life instead of wishing to live someone else’s life.

Don’t focus too much on other people. The people you envy will continue living their lives no matter what happens to you.

You have the power to choose what you want to do with your life.

If you let your insecurities overcome you, you have no one to blame but yourself. Think about that when you feel the urge to put the blame on others.

An open letter to the envious, did it make sense?

If you enjoyed reading an open letter to the envious, here is a video of me trying to convince you that my life is not as easy as you think:

Not what you are looking for?