An Open Letter to People With Unpopular Opinions: Speak Still

Your opinion matters, but not all people care about it. That should be fine.
Written by Alexia Dominique Reyes
An Open Letter to People With Unpopular Opinions: Speak Still
An Open Letter to People With Unpopular Opinions: Speak Still

An open letter to people with unpopular opinions: Your opinion matters even if other people are against it.

I may not be receiving hate messages because of my unpopular opinions, but I think there are people who disagree with me.

100% of my blog posts here are all opinions. They are all based on my experiences or understanding of things.

I enjoy analyzing situations and looking into the different sides of stories.

Sometimes, all sides make sense and are justifiable, so I will not take sides. I am neutral in most cases. The perception of one is not the perception of all.

But it becomes different if I am part of the picture. It is easy to be neutral when you are not involved in the situation, but you will be biased if you have a role in it.

I can say that you should forgive people who hurt you while I continue resenting those who hurt me — is what I mean.

I am having fun with what I am doing. I enjoy sharing my opinions.

I actually regret not doing that back then, when I was still a student, because I think that if only I had told people my side of the story or what was on my mind, my student life could have been more fruitful.

My student life was so boring. I was too focused on my heart, and I even made it a priority back then.

I had memorable experiences as a result of it, but looking back, I should have focused on my studies more.

I should have worked on becoming a good student.

But then, I like where I am now, and I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t take the path I took. I am grateful for my choices regardless.

But I encourage you to be open about your opinions. Or not necessarily your opinions but your thoughts, your side of the story, your experiences, or your life.

It feels refreshing when you are not keeping things to yourself. You will feel free!

And you don’t have to do it with someone. I actually don’t talk about deep things with just anyone because I know not all people are open to deep conversations.

I talk about them on my blogs. My blogs have readers, but when I am writing, I am not talking to anyone. It is just me, and I love it!

If you don’t have anyone to talk to or be vulnerable with, you can write in a journal or on a blog. That is therapeutic according to therapists.

You can also use social media for that, and you can choose to be anonymous if you want to rant publicly without digging your own grave.

You are going to die, and you are going to regret it if you allow your self-doubt to stop you from being the person that you want to be.

If there is something you want to do, and it is not illegal or will not cause harm to others, then do it even if other people are against it.

It would be painful to die if you did only what people wanted you to do or only said the words people wanted to hear while you were still alive.

Do whatever you want, say whatever you want, and live the life that your old self will be happy about, but with restrictions.

Be considerate of other people and be mindful of the law. *wink*

An open letter to people with unpopular opinions, did it make sense?

If you enjoyed reading an open letter to people with unpopular opinions, here is a video of me talking about my opinions on random things:

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