25 Things I Learned Before 25 About Life and Love

You will love again no matter how many times you say you won't.
Written by Alexia Dominique Reyes

You will meet immature people in high school, and you will also be immature at that time. Here are the 25 things I learned before 25 about life and love!

I turned 25 in 2021. I wrote these 25 things I learned before 25 about life and love in the same year, and edited in 2024.

I was born in September of 1996 at 11:11 AM. My sun sign is Virgo, and my moon sign is Capricorn. Both Earth signs, so I am too grounded.

I am the second child but biologically the third. I will not get deep into this, but if that child was born, I wouldn’t have been born.

11:11 is a lucky number in numerology, so I feel like there is something special about my existence. It is like that child had to die so I could exist in this world.

I feel like I have some sort of a divine mission, which is possible.

I was even thinking before that I might be an earth angel, which is also possible. But you might be thinking that I am already being ridiculous.

So, let us get right into it. Here are the 25 things I learned before 25!

25 Things I Learned Before 25 About Life and Love

My original plan was to share 25 things about myself that not a lot of people know about, but I didn’t want to expose myself too much.

Still, you will learn many things about me here. I will share things that happened from the day I was born up to the day before I turned 25!

25 Things I Learned Before 25 About Life and Love
25 Things I Learned Before 25 About Life and Love

1. We will not remember everything about our childhood.

I am having a hard time remembering some noteworthy stuff from childhood, so I will say firstly that we will not remember everything about our childhood.

2. The way people connected to people before was better than how it is done today.

The internet was founded before I was born, but I am one of those people who have seen the world where almost everything was done offline.

No Google. No social media. Just me and my friends playing outside. My childhood was fun and memorable. I had a simple life.

I only have brothers, so most of my friends were guys. We were running on the street, and I remember I was one of the fastest runners! Seriously!

3. Some people die early.

I had a friend who died when he was 13. He was 2 years older than me, so I was around 10 to 11 years old at the time.

4. Some of our childhood dreams will remain our dreams even if we grow older.

I knew this when my mom shared a story on Facebook as part of her birthday greeting to me when I turned 20 in 2016.

According to her, during one of my early birthdays, when I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I said that I wanted to be a mom, and I cried when some person suggested something else.

I still want to be a mom.

5. Our childhood can help us find out what we want as an adult.

I once joined a contest during a school event when I was less than 10 years old. I was Miss Japan, and I won the contest. I think that was cute.

I love Japan so much that I even studied their language. It is my dream country! I want to experience my first winter and celebrate one of my birthdays there.

6. You will make more mistakes in high school than usual.

A lot of people say that high school is the best, but not for me. I had great experiences back then, but the unpleasant experiences stand out.

That is when puberty occurs, so I dealt with some terrible stuff.

You will meet immature people in high school, and you will also be immature at that time. You will do things that will embarrass you when you grow older.

What matters at this time is your rank in terms of beauty, wealth, and grades.

7. How you were in high school will not matter in the future.

I graduated high school as an academic achiever. My grades in my senior year were above 85%, but it didn’t have an impact on how I have become.

Grades are so important in high school that if you are one of the top students, you feel more powerful than the non-top ones.

But only a handful of the top students in my high school were able to remain on top after graduating. College was different. Work is different.

I am not judging them. I just want to say that you shouldn’t feel bad if you are just one of the average ones or if you didn’t finish high school.

8. You can cut off your high school friends.

I am thinking about my social circle right now, and I can’t think of any friends from high school I still talk to.

I will say hello if we meet by chance somewhere (I went to a private school in my hometown, so we will cross paths) but that is it.

I deleted my social media accounts, so I am not connected to the people from my past anymore. I think that is fine.

9. College is better than high school.

There are immature people in college, and I was also a bit immature at the time. However, my experiences were better.

What mattered back then was surviving.

Only a few wanted to be the best. No pressure. No rush. No one will judge you for not achieving enough because you are not alone.

10. You can cut off your college friends.

Some people become our friends because we spend so much time with them. Those friends won’t be our friends anymore once we go our separate ways.

There is nothing bad about that. It doesn’t mean you didn’t cherish the moments. Some people are just not meant to be part of our lives for so long.

11. You don’t need constant communication to keep a friendship.

I have friends I am still friends with even though we don’t talk regularly. I prefer talking to people in person. I will talk to them only when we meet in person.

12. You can like someone for years even though the feeling isn’t mutual.

I started liking my college crush in early 2015. It was the beginning of a new school year; it was the start of my third year in college.

He offered his seat to me, and I felt something. Only I felt something. Unrequited.

I am a hopeless romantic, so things like that make my heart beat fast. When it happened, I became interested in him. My feelings got deeper a year later.

I decided to move on in 2019.

Our families are connected, and he lives two blocks away from my grandmother’s house. We will see each other again, but I will not feel anything.

13. You will move on from a failed love maybe not now but someday.

I thought my college crush was the last person I would like, but I realized I was being loyal just to be loyal. The feeling was gone.

We were not in a relationship, but I didn’t want him to think that my feelings were not solid because they were. It was like I was trying to prove something.

But only until I opened my heart to other people.

There was a guy that came after him. Even though it was another wrong guy, he made me doubt my feelings for my college crush. That was something.

14. Some people will use your feelings against you to get what they want.

It is the reason why I keep my feelings to myself. I experienced this once, and I don’t want that to happen again. I was led on!

I am generally unemotional, so it is a big deal to me whenever I develop feelings for someone. I consider my feelings precious.

Unfortunately, some people can’t handle precious things.

15. Money is not the key to happiness.

Money is important. but I think emotional satisfaction is more important if you want to be happy. Human connection has more power to improve your life.

16. Some people are willing to be unethical to remain on top.

There was someone who sabotaged me because I was doing better than her. She didn’t like that I was getting too much attention, so she spread false stories.

We were not that close, but she betrayed me still. She ruined my image and backstabbed me, and it ruined me as a result.

17. Some people can cheat after decades of being faithful.

My father cheated on my mother in 2014 (or earlier) but it was in 2016 that we knew about it. My parents were high school sweethearts in the ’80s.

18. Not all men are the same.

I am the only daughter with 4 brothers, and they are not the same. I also have guy friends, and they are not the same.

Look at men from an objective point of view, and you will find that there are loopholes in your arguments. I wrote some myths about men here.

19. Being good is not always good.

I am not the kindest person you will meet, but I am more generous than others. I like giving, whether it be my time, my money, or anything that I have.

I am not asking for anything in return, but some people like returning my generosity with bad deeds.

20. You will want to be around people even if you are introverted.

I am introverted, so I have no problem with being alone for a long time. But not for a very, very long time. I just realized that recently.

Even though I have no deep interest in talking to people, I have to socialize to be able to stay sane in this world. No man is an island!

21. It is okay to make mistakes.

This post is over 2,000 words long. I wrote this in 2021. I remember I had more tasks on my to-do list, so I didn’t edit this right after I finished writing.

Being detail-oriented is good, but it is exhausting. So, I decided one day that I didn’t want to pay too much attention to the small things anymore.

And it didn’t kill me.

22. Some people will support your dreams only after you have made them come true.

Painful, but we shouldn’t hate those people because that is the reality. I bet there are people you refused to support because their ideas seemed ridiculous.

But they were not there when you were struggling, so I will understand if you don’t want them to be in your life. I understand where you are coming from.

23. You can cut off family members.

I have relatives who think they know me better than I know myself, and I don’t like them. They tell me what to do and criticize what I decide to do.

I have not done anything that significantly negatively impacted my life, but they did. So, I don’t need their guidance. I cut some off.

24. It is possible to want to be a single mother.

Because I want to be a single mother.

I don’t want a husband for a lot of reasons, but the major reason is that I have been single since 2010 and I can’t see myself getting married.

25. You will love again no matter how many times you say you won’t.

Even though I am not open to marriage, I am open to loving people. And I am willing to marry that person if he is trustworthy.

Not all men are the same, so I believe that there are men out there who will hurt me and cheat on me — even after decades of being together.

Not all men are like my father.

Last Words

I didn’t feel anything different when I turned 25. It was not surprising because getting a year older doesn’t mean reaching a higher level of maturity overnight.

Every day seems just the usual day, but when we look into the details of each day, they are different. The changes in our lives happen gradually.

That is why we feel nothing different: we compare our today to yesterday. If we compare it to last year, we will see that we have changed so much.

What are the 25 things you learned before 25?

If you enjoyed reading the 25 things I learned before 25 about life and love, here is a video of me talking about the things I learned after 25:

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